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Hwy 49 DRAFT Multi-Modal/Congested Corridor Plans-- (Virtual) Public Meetings

The study area corridor includes approximately 6 miles of State Route (SR) 49, from Jamestown, through the City of Sonora to Columbia College. An essential function of the SR 49 Multi-Modal Corridor Plan from Jamestown through Sonora is to identify opportunities to add multi-modal transportation choice that help reduce congestion within the communities caused by the complexity of the different user groups while maintaining the historic character of the community.

The primary goal of the SR 49 Multi-Modal Corridor Plan is to increase mobility and transportation choice for all users and reduce congestion while improving air quality for Tuolumne County. The Plan expands upon and supports the goals and objectives of numerous local and state efforts and programs. Overall, the Plan is a consistent, coordinated step forward in achieving local and regional transportation goals and objectives.

(Virtual) Public Outreach meeting date(s):

City Council meeting- September 8 (5pm)-- Sonora Home page

Board of Supervisors Meeting- September 8 -- Tuolumne County Agenda page

Community Workshop-- To be announced

The Caltrans District 10 Office of System Planning and Goods Movement collaborated with the Tuolumne County Transportation Council (TCTC) to develop a corridor study for SR 108/49 through Jamestown and Sonora. The purpose of the study was to prioritize for potential funding strategies that improve the multimodal performance of the highway in more congested areas of Tuolumne County, as well as identifying active transportation enhancement and vehicle congestion reduction projects. The study examined existing and projected traffic conditions. It evaluated project strategies to see if they might enhance safety, reduce vehicle delay and congestion on the state highway, enhance multimodal connectivity, reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT), reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and improve truck facility connectivity. Projects ranged from changes to intersections, changes to mainline highway facilities, operations changes, new bicycle path installation, to proposed paved shoulder widenings and new crosswalks. Strategies also included model evaluations of eastern and western bypasses relative to congestion in downtown Sonora.


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