Tuolumne County Transit Agency
About Us
Tuolumne County Transportation Council and Transit Agency

Tuolumne County is located in the center of the historic California Mother Lode area along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. The area has dispersed residential and commercial developments located on frequently challenging, mountainous terrain. The County is bordered on the north by Calaveras County, on the South by Mariposa County, on the west by Stanislaus County and on the east by Alpine and Mono Counties. The City of Sonora is the only incorporated city in Tuolumne County and is also the County Seat.
The Tuolumne County Transportation Council/ Transit Agency (TCTC/TCTA) was originally formed in 1972 with the establishment of the Tuolumne County & Cities Area Planning Council (TCCAPC). This body served as the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) until 2003 when the Joint Powers Agreement was amended leading to the formation of the TCTC. The Transit Agency was formed on August 24th, 2011. Board membership is comprised of two (2) members from and appointed by, the Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors and two (2) member from and appointed by the Sonora City Council. One (1) citizen at large are voted in by a majority of the TCTC.
What do Regional Transportation Planning Agencies Do?
Broadly speaking, Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPAs), also known as Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), are public organizations that encompass a multi-jurisdictional regional community. This region could be a single county or multiple counties. They serve the local governments and citizens in the region by dealing with issues and needs that cross city, town, or county boundaries. The mechanisms used to address these issues may include communication, planning, policy making, coordination, advocacy, and administering funds for regional transportation systems. Conceived in the 1960s, regional councils today are stable, broad-based organizations proficient at consensus-building, creating partnerships, providing services, problem solving and fiscal management.
Transportation Commissions provide a local focus on transportation planning within the regions. Transit Agencies operate the buses and other forms of transit. Tuolumne County Transportation Council functions as the planning branch of Tuolumne County's Regional Transportation Agency while Tuolumne County Transit Agency engages in the management of public transit for the Region.​
About Us Tab List
Our Board Members
List of staff
clearinghouse and technical review body for all items to be considered by the Tuolumne County Transportation Council (TCTC).
Funding and Financial Information:
Funding information
Advisory committee to the Tuolumne County Transportation Council (TCTC) on all matters relating to the regional transportation system.
Partner agency links and miscellaneous documents
Social Services Transportation Advisory Council:
Advisory Council to the TCTC on all matters pertaining to the transit needs of transit dependent and transit disadvantaged persons.