Tuolumne County Transit Agency
Regional Transportation Plan
In accordance with California Government Code Section 65080, TCTC is mandated to prepare and periodically update the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The RTP identifies present and future needs, deficiencies, and constraints and then analyzes potential solutions. It considers short-range (0-10 years) and long-range (11-25 years) transportation investments for all modes, including highways, public transportation, bicycle facilities, pedestrian facilities, railroads, aviation, and goods movement within a financially constrained environment. Then, it defines the policies, plans, and programs for the coordination and programming of transportation improvements throughout the Tuolumne County Region.
The Tuolumne County Transportation Council is currently undergoing an update of the Regional Transportation Plan. The previous, 2016 RTP Update saw the introduction of several new sections and updates ranging from sustainability to revenue. The first of these new chapters was the optional "Rural Sustainable Strategies (RSS)" chapter that discussed rural sustainable strategies and was focused on achieving TCTC’s RTP goals as well as goals in SB 375, AB 32, and Governor Brown’s Executive Order B-30-15. This chapter acknowledged that AB 32 and SB 375 implementation presented significant challenges to rural areas and made an effort to examine what sustainability meant for rural communities. There were six new chapters introduced which talked about individual modes of transportation (State Highways, Local Streets and Roads, Aviation, Non-Motorized Transportation, Railroads, and Public Transportation). Another of the new chapters talked about regional and interregional transportation and contained ten regional performance measures that tracked progress towards attaining ten regional goals. The remaining new chapters discussed funding challenges, possible funding alternatives, and planned future major capital improvement projects.
The overall focus of the 2024 Regional Transportation Plan is directed at demonstrating alignment with California Transportation Commission (CTC) RTP guidance and the California Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure by advancing the Region’s climate resiliency, reimagining long term maintenance challenges improving multimodal accessibility, and public safety. However, this update is in a unique position in that there is a historic amount of change and technological advancement in the industry right now. Emerging technology will impact how people travel. This RTP Update needs to incorporate new technology alternatives and future travel characteristics into a long-term vision.
Updates on the effort will periodically become available on this page such as planned public meetings or documents being made available to the public.
Current Project Status: Wood Rodgers and TCTC staff have completed modeling and are preparing updated chapters to bring to the public during upcoming public outreach efforts.
2024 Regional Transportation Plan Update News
Project Milestones and Documents
RFP Released: June 14, 2022
RFP Closed: July 22, 2022
Consultant Chosen By Panel: Wood Rodgers
Draft Final Plan: In progress
Final Plan, Approved: N/A