TCTC Meeting Agenda for May 9, 2018Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2018Item 3 - Letter of Support for US Bike Route 85Item 3 - Agrment btwn Park Svc. and Adventure Cycling Item 3 - Caltrans Director Memo Item 3 - USBRS Corridor Map Item 4 - Res. 581-18 Supporting Prop 69Item 5 - Res. 580-18 approving the TCTC OWP for FY 18/19 Item 5 - Final Budget Summary Item 5 - Final OWP Item 6 - Res. 582-18 approving the TCTC FY 18/19 Budget Item 6 - Position Rates Posting Item 6 - Recommended Budget Item 7 - CLOSED SESSION: Public Employee Performance Evaluation (Authority: Government Code Section 54957) - Executive Director - NO ATTACHMENTS Reports
Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2018Item 3 - Letter of Support for US Bike Route 85Item 3 - Agrment btwn Park Svc. and Adventure Cycling Item 3 - Caltrans Director Memo Item 3 - USBRS Corridor Map Item 4 - Res. 581-18 Supporting Prop 69Item 5 - Res. 580-18 approving the TCTC OWP for FY 18/19 Item 5 - Final Budget Summary Item 5 - Final OWP Item 6 - Res. 582-18 approving the TCTC FY 18/19 Budget Item 6 - Position Rates Posting Item 6 - Recommended Budget Item 7 - CLOSED SESSION: Public Employee Performance Evaluation (Authority: Government Code Section 54957) - Executive Director - NO ATTACHMENTS Reports