Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) available for Public review and Comment
The purpose of the Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) is to guide the development of public transportation services for Tuolumne County residents and visitors over the next five years, from FY20/21 to FY24/25. More specifically, the SRTP:
· Provides opportunities for public input regarding transportation needs and how Tuolumne County Transit (TCT) might effectively address them
· Conducts market research to determine who is riding Tuolumne County Transit, how they are using the system, how satisfied they are with the services provided, and priorities for improvements
· Evaluates the recent performance of existing services
· Provides priorities for service plan and fare recommendations over the next five years
· Establishes a detailed operating and capital financial plan
· Update on zero emission bus requirements.
There is a great deal of uncertainty on both the short-term and long-term impacts of COVID-19 to Tuolumne County Transit passengers, drivers and management. It is very likely that TCT passenger demand and revenue sources will be significantly impacted in both FY 19/20 and FY 20/21. However, both Federal and California governments have responded to mitigate the initial impacts. In Chapter 5, Service Alternatives, a section has been added on a proposal for TCT service responses and fare policies based on several milestones being reached for easing shelter in place restrictions.
PUBLIC COMMENT ends October 26, 2020