Groveland Active Transportation Plan

Groveland's Main Street
Project Understanding
Groveland is a small rural community that serves as one of the main gateways to the Yosemite National Park. Despite a small town atmosphere, the community has traffic issues associated with State Route 120 which serves as the main street through the historic downtown. The busy state highway has a lack of pedestrian and bicycling facilitates. During peak tourism season, traffic increases significantly and further exacerbates the pedestrian and bicycle circulation issues.
The Groveland Active Transportation Network and Circulation Improvement Plan will serve as a comprehensive bicycle, pedestrian, and transit improvement plan. The Plan engaged the public in order to create a collaborative all inclusive plan that promotes livability and a sustainable transportation system for alternative travel modes, while maintaining sufficient vehicle operation on SR 120. The focus will be on safe access and mobility for cyclists and pedestrians. The challenges facing are a narrow right-of-way through the downtown, and a lack of pedestrian facilities connecting key locations such as Mary Laveroni Park, Tioga High School, Tenaya Elementary School, Pine Mountain Lake Community, and the historic Groveland downtown.
Groveland, California: Groveland Active Transportation and Circulation Improvement Plan